使用Java SE7學習程式設計基礎 Introduction to Programming Using Java SE 7
Course Objective: You will learn the basic concepts of programming using Java as the tool for learning. Target Student: This course is intended for students with no prior academic background in a field other than computer science or programming, who wish to embark on a course of study that will prepare them for employment as professional software developers. Students who interact on a business basis with software development professionals and need to improve communication through better understanding of the concepts and terminology used by professional programmers will also benefit equally. Prerequisites: Students should be familiar with using personal computers with a mouse and keyboard. Basic typing skills are mandatory. Students should be comfortable in the use of the Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista environment, or Windows 7 environment. To ensure your success in this course, we recommend that you take the following Element K courses or have equivalent experience: Microsoft Windows Vista: Level 1Microsoft Windows XP Professional: Level 1 課程目標: 您將使用Java工具作為學習程式設計的基本概念。 目標學生: ((本課程是為了(intended)在電腦科學概論(computer science)與程式設計的領域中沒有此背景(no prior academic background)的學生,誰願意從事(embark)課程學習,就培養(employment)他們成為專業的軟件開發人員。)) ((在軟件開發的專業人才業務基礎(business basis)上進行交流(interact),並需要加強溝通,通過更好地理解專業程式設計師所使用的概念和術語的學生也將同樣受益(benefit equally)。)) 具備技能: 學生應熟悉使用個人電腦滑鼠和鍵盤。基本的打字技能是必須的(mandatory)。 學生應該能輕鬆的(comfortable)使用Windows 2000,Windows XP,Windows Vista的環境,或Windows 7環境。 為了確保你在這個課程中成功學習,我們建議您選取以下 Element K 課程或具有相同的經驗: Microsoft Windows Vista:第1級 Microsoft Windows XP專業版:第1級
難易度: 入門
課程總時數: 6 小時
課堂數: 2
開課日期: 2016-01-10
NTD 7,200


Each computer requires the following software:
Java™ SE Development Kit 7
Microsoft Internet Explorer® 6.0.

Course Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
explore various programming concepts.
create simple programs.
use methods to define the behavior of classes.
implement the object-oriented methodology.
handle errors in a program.

Course Content
Lesson 1: Introduction to Programming
Topic 1A: Overview of Programming
Topic 1B: Introduction to the Software Development Life Cycle

Lesson 2: Creating Simple Programs
Topic 2A: Work with Variables
Topic 2B: Work with Operators
Topic 2C: Control Program Execution
Topic 2D: Work with Arrays

Lesson 3: Creating Programs Using Methods
Topic 3A: Create Methods
Topic 3B: Work with Built-in Methods

Lesson 4: Implementing the Object-Oriented Methodology
Topic 4A: Create a Class
Topic 4B: Create an Object
Topic 4C: Create a Constructor
Topic 4D: Create a Subclass

Lesson 5: Handling Programming Errors
Topic 5A: Fix Syntax Errors
Topic 5B: Fix Logical Errors
Topic 5C: Fix Runtime Errors


  • Java™SE 開發工具包 7
  • 微軟 InternetExplorer®6.0


  • 在成功完成該課程後,學生將能夠:
  • 探索(explore)各種程式設計的概念。
  • 建立簡單的程式。
  • 使用方法來定義物件的行為。(use methods to define the behavior of classes.)
  • 實行(implement)物件導向的方法(methodology)。
  • 在程式設計中處理錯誤。



  • 主題1A:程式設計概述
  • 主題1B:介紹軟體開發生命週期( Software Development Life Cycle)


  • 主題2A:使用變數
  • 主題2B:使用運算子 (Operators)
  • 主題2C:控制程式執行
  • 主題2D:使用陣列(Work with Arrays)


  • 主題3A:建立方法
  • 主題3B:使用嵌入方法(Built-in Methods)


  • 主題4A:建立一個類別(Class)
  • 主題4B:建立一個物件
  • 主題4C:建立一個子構造(Constructor)
  • 主題4D:建立一個子類別(Subclass)


  • 主題5A:修正語法錯誤
  • 主題5B:修復邏輯錯誤
  • 主題5C:修正運行時(Runtime)錯誤