send Target Audience
- End user
- Internal NetApp Sales
- Partner Resellers
send What Will You Learn
In this course you will become familiar with some of the most important features of OnCommand insight relevant to the day-to-day management, monitoring and trouble-shooting of data infrastructures.
As this course concentrates on those features of OnCommand insight that aid in daily administrative tasks, those interested in the feautures of OnCommand insights related more toward Business Reporting, or IT Department integration, should look to the course offering specific to those topics.
This course consist of six modules. The first five take the student through a common storage administration issue and the features of OnCommand insight useful to resolving that issue. By learning how to resolve these specific administration problems, it is hoping for students to have a basic understanding of how to extend to this feature set of OnCommand insight to other issues.
A sixth and concluding module concentrates on how to add new assets to an OnCommand Insight monitored infrastructure.
send Course Introduction
Module 1: Visualizing your Data Infrastructure
Module 2: Data Path Management and Policies
Module 3: Performance Policy Creation, monitoring and troubleshooting
Module 4: Virtual Resource Management and Tools for Root Cause Analysis
Module 5: Application Infrastructure Monitoring and the Anomaly Detection Engine
Module 6: Integrating New Resources and Alert Setup
send Problems Resolved
- Create near-time visual representations of data infrastructure components
- Create Storage Area Network infrastructure polices and alerts
- Troubleshoot performance issues within a data infrastructure
- Associate compute components with applications for applcation infrastructure performance monitoring and troubleshooting
- Integrate new assets into an OnCommand insight environment
send Prerequisite
OnCommand Insight Technical Overview