改變一生簡報式英文口說 Presentational English Speaking
全世界第一個以功能型、分析型、人際互動型、個人型 4 大簡報式口說類型為課程鋼骨,系統地打造台灣人的簡報式英文口說力。
Level: Intermediate
Total Hours: 32 小時
Number of Lessons: 15
開課日期: Sep 02, 2023
Day of the week: Sat
NTD 22,000

What Will You Learn

  1. 在各種商務情境中(例如:開會、簡報、elevator pitch),清楚有說服力地表達想法。
  2. 在各種生活情境中(例如:生活經驗分享),清楚有說服力地表達想法。
  3. 一個好的英文講者須具備的各項英文口說技能(例如:舉例、講小故事)。
  4. 在需要表述「個人看法」的檢定考試上(例如:TOEFL、IELTS、TOEIC、英文面試)考高分的心法。

Course Introduction


W1:Intro / Introduce Yourself / Why Taking This Class / Get to Know Each Other
W5:Use Transition Words Effectively to Logically Connect Your Ideas and Thoughts
W6:How to Give Examples / How to Tell a Good Story / How to Be Persuasive and Engage Your Audience


W7:Introduce a Product
W8:Introduce and Explain a Concept
W9:Respond to a Question
W10:Discuss a Problem (Its Cause) and Present Its Possible Solutions
W11:Give Advice and Suggestions / Share Personal Experiences
W12:Give Advice and Suggestions / Share Personal Experiences
W13:Talk about One of Your Favorite Books and Its Impact on You
W14:Talk about Your Role Model or a Person Who Has Had a Great Influence in Your Life
W15:總複習 / 未來簡報式口說學習展望
線上預錄影片:Explain the Impact of a Change

Problems Resolved

  1. 英文口說學習沒有方向、沒有方法,流於盲目練習。
  2. 敢開口講英文,但講起來想法散亂,容易離題。
  3. 口說能力不算太差,但離真正商務上專業使用有一段距離。
  4. 英文講起來像是機器人,欠缺說服力、具體性、個人風采。